Public Lecture: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation over Scripture

Miriam Lindgren Hjälm, Sankt Ignatios College and Uppsala University, Joshua Sabih, University of Copenhagen, Samuel Rubenson and Oliver Scharbrodt, Lund University

May 10 at 17:15, Lund University, CTR, LUX B366

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

The Nun in the Synagogue: A Conversation about Judeocentric Catholicism in Israel

April 25 at 15.00 (sharp) at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies in Lund, LUX B336

A book review panel will discuss Emma O’Donnell Polyakov’s new book The Nun in the Synagogue: Judeocentric Catholicism in Israel, a project she worked on as a postdoctor at Lund University. Panelists: Emma O’Donnell Polyakov, Merrimack College, Tord Fornberg, Uppsala University, Maria Småberg, Lund University and Magdalena Dziaczkowska.

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

Lunch with Jewish Studies at Lund University (online)

Onsdag 29 mars kl. 12.00–13 presenteras kurser i judaistik, jiddisch och modern hebreiska som ges vid Lunds universitet höstterminen 2023. Medverkar gör lärare från Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap och Språk och litteraturcentrum.

Välkomna på denna länk:

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

Applications open for seven PhD Positions at Lund University, deadline 15 February 2023

The Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University welcomes applications for the following seven PhD positions in the department:

  • Two positions as doctoral students at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies (in either Old Testament Exegesis, Global Christianity and Interreligious Relations, Jewish Studies, Church History, New Testament Exegesis, Practical Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, History of Religions, History of Religions specialising in Islamology or Systematic Theology). More information here.
  • One position as doctoral student at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, within the Graduate School “Society, Theology, and Church”. More information here.
  • One position as doctoral student at the Centre of Theology and Religious Studies, within the graduate School Society, Theology, and Church – focusing on the interaction between Church and non-Christian faith traditions. More information here.
  • One position as doctoral student at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, within the project Scripture and Secularism. More information here.
  • Two positions as doctoral students in History of Religions, specialising in Islamology, within the National Graduate School of Islamic Studies. More information here

The deadline for all applications is 15 February.

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

Event: Workshop “Jews, the Qur’an, and Islam: Contacts and Influences,” 1-2 February, Copenhagen University. Online and in person.

We are pleased to share news of a workshop coming up at Copenhagen University next week. It has been organised by postdoctoral researcher Naima Afif as part of the ERC Synergy Grant project, the “European Qur’an. Islamic Scripture in European Religion and Culture’” (PI: Jan Loop,

 ‘Jews, the Qur’an and Islam: Contacts and Influences will take place on 1-2 February 2023 in Copenhagen

The workshop aims to explore how Jews approached the Qur’an and Islam from the Middle Age to the early modern period both in the lands of Islam and in Europe. Through various sources and textual genres ranging from polemics, exegesis to Qur’anic translations, we will discuss how Islam was perceived, how the Qur’an was used and how the Jews in some contexts were influenced by the material, textual and theological aspects of the Islamic tradition.

The workshop will include a keynote lecture by Susannah Heschel (Dartmouth College) on 1 February along with a public lecture by Joanna Weinberg (Oxford) on 2 February. The full programme can be accessed on the workshop website and all are welcome. Participation is possible in person and via Zoom.

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

Spring Jewish Studies Seminar Series, Lund University, Online and in person

You are all welcome to join us at Lund University for our spring Jewish Studies seminar series. Seminars take place in English and/or in Swedish, and are either in-person only, online only, or both.

Please note that 15–17 means that we start at 15.15 in accord ance with the old Lund University custom. 15.00, by contrast, means 15 sharp.

For more information and to get access to precirculated material please contact Karin Zetterholm (

DateTimeSubject and speaker
1/217.00Public lecture by our new Pro Futura scholar, Wally Cirafesi, “The Synagogue in the World of Ancient Christians: Between Polemics and Participation,” in person in LUX C126.
2/213–15Wally Cirafesi: “Ethnic Heterogeneity in Ancient ‘Synagogues’ from the Roman–Byzantine Periods.” Joint seminar with New Testament Studies and the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, in person at LUX A233.
2/313–15Masteruppsats Tobias Ålöv, “Jesus the Pharisee: Expectation and Engagement Over Table-Fellowship as Indication of Jesus’ Socio-Religious Identity.” Opponent: Lukas Hagel. Samseminarium med NT (svenska). Endast via zoom:
20/415–17Miriam Gerson Selén presenterar ett avhandlingskapitel om rabbinska (om)tolkningar av tempeloffren. Samseminarium med GT högre seminarium i Uppsala (svenska). Please contact for the link.
3/517.00Public lecture by Yonatan Adler, Ariel University,“The Origin of Judaism.” In-person in LUX C121.
4/513–15Yonatan Adler, title tbc. Joint Seminar with New Testament Studies. In-person in LUX B429.
10/513–15Guest lecture by Miriam Hjälm, Stockholm School of Theology: “The Reception of the Bible in the Quran.” Joint seminar with History of Religions. In person (LUXB417) and on Zoom. Please contact for the link.
11/513–15Julia Sahlström, Stockholms universitet, presenerar avhandlingsdel om minnet av Förintelsen bland judar i Sverige 1945–1966. Samseminarium med historia. LUX (svenska).

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

Event: The Synagogue in the World of Ancient Christians: Between Polemics and Participation

All are welcome to a public lecture by Wally V. Cirafesi, Pro Futura Scientia Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) and Lund University, which will be held on February 1, 2023 at 17.00, LUX:C126 (Helgonavägen 3, Lund).

The Nordic Network for Jewish Studies was founded and is run by Dr Katharina Keim and Dr Karin Zetterholm at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest news from the Network in your email inbox! You are always welcome to get in touch with us at admin[dot]nordicjewishstudies[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se.

Event: Att bygga judiskt liv i Sverige: synagogor, församlingar och arkitekter

torsdag 20 oktober 2022 kl. 14.15–16.00 via zoom

Daniel Leviathan, doktorand i judaistik, Lunds universitet


Med invandringen av judar till Sverige på slutet av 1700-talet kom även uppförandet av de första synago- gorna i landet. Under 1800-talet och in i sekelskiftet kom en rad imponerande synagogor att byggas av de judiska församlingarna runt om i landet, i Stockholm, Göteborg, Norrköping, Karlstad och i Malmö. Vad kan dessa synagogors utseende och geografiska placering berätta för oss om församlingarna som byggde dem, och hur spelar valet av arkitekt in i det hela? Vad kan dessa aspekter berätta för oss om relationen mellan minoritet och majoritet i Sverige på 1800-talet och tidigt 1900-tal?

Forum för forskning om de kyrkliga kulturarven Konstvetenskapliga institutionen Uppsala universitet

Kurs: Ett år med Talmud: rabbinsk texttolkning för högtider och vardag

Följ med de tidiga rabbinerna genom det judiska årets högtider och studera hur tolkning och textutläggning fungerar i Talmud. Vilka texter och teman är anknutna till de judiska högtiderna? Hur ser rabbinsk texttolkning och hermeneutiska principer ut?

Vi läser relevanta texter ur Mishna, Talmud och olika midrasher och analyserar dem med hjälp av kurslitteratur.en Kursen tar också upp de sammanhang som Mishnah och Talmud växt fram i, samt något om Talmuds tolkningshistoria.

Teologiska fakulteten Uppsala

7,5 hp, 50 %, Campus, 16 januari – 26 mars 2023 Sista anmälningsdatum: 17 oktober 2022